Went to Las Vegas and got soaked!

My Las Vegas photo goal; take some unusual, and unique photos. I parked my semi at the Wild Wild West Casino and Hotel (and Truck Plaza). It’s about 3 blocks from the Strip. Half way there the clouds burst and I got soaked to the bone. Fortunately I had my water proof shoulder bag, with camera and extra lens inside. I wouldn’t have had time to put the camera in the bag before getting drenched. Turned around and started running back to my truck when the rain appeared to suddenly stop as quickly as it had started… nope, I was under an overpass. the rain was still coming down. I waited there for a few minutes, and then decided, screw it. I’m taking some freakin pictures from here. So, here’s my unique and unusual Las Vegas picture! 😉

Posted by Alvin Harp on 2015-10-17 06:13:56


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